Do you want to rejuvenate your appearance?

Have you considered a facelift? It can help reduce signs of aging and boost self-confidence.

Facelift surgery is a cosmetic procedure typically aimed at individuals with visible signs of facial aging, such as sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines.

The primary goal of a facelift is to rejuvenate the facial appearance by powerfully reducing visible signs of aging.

This procedure can help tighten and firm the skin, diminish wrinkles and fine lines, and enhance facial contours for a younger and fresher look. In addition to improving appearance, a facelift can also contribute to increased self-confidence and an overall improvement in quality of life.

The Various Techniques

Several techniques are available for facelift cosmetic surgery, each tailored to the needs and preferences of each patient. The main methods include:

  • Mini Facelift: The mini facelift is an option for those with mild to moderate signs of aging that do not require a full facelift. This procedure is performed using smaller incisions and focuses on lifting the lower part of the face.
  • Full Facelift: The full facelift is a more complex surgical procedure that addresses the entire face and neck, including the upper and mid-face areas. This technique is recommended for patients with more significant signs of aging who want to achieve a more dramatic result.
  • Neck Lift: The technique chosen for this surgery will depend on each patient's specific needs and Dr. Guberman's recommendations. In some cases, chin liposuction may be combined to improve skin quality.


The recovery time for a facelift surgery can vary depending on the technique used and each patient’s individual response. Generally, patients can expect a recovery period of a few weeks, during which they need to carefully follow post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Guberman. This may include dressing changes to protect incisions, medication for pain relief and discomfort, and recommendations to avoid certain activities for a period of time.

During this recovery period, it’s important to rest as much as possible and refrain from excessive physical exertion. Patients may experience some swelling, redness, and bruising around the face, but this should diminish over time. With time and proper recovery planning, patients can regain their natural appearance and achieve the desired aesthetic results from their facelift surgery.

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How much does it cost?

Pricing for a cosmetic facial surgery starts at 10500$ and may increase according to your specific needs.

It's Time To Feel Like Yourself Again

Regain confidence with a facelift procedure.

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