Regain your self-confidence with breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation remains one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures.

Whether you want to increase the size of your breasts or regain their shape after pregnancy or menopause, breast augmentation may be an option for you. The following information can help you make an informed decision.

Is breast augmentation right for you?

In general, women considering breast augmentation are between the ages of 18 and their late 60s.

It is important that breast growth and development are complete before considering this procedure. If you have no significant medical or breast health problems and would like to increase the size and appearance of your breasts, you may be a good candidate for breast augmentation.

However, it’s crucial to have a thorough discussion with Dr. Guberman about all aspects of the procedure, including how your breasts will look after surgery and what to expect with breast implants.

The procedure

The breast augmentation procedure generally takes around 45 minutes.

We make a 2 to 4 centimetre incision through which we create a pocket to insert the implant, either under or over the muscle. Sometimes, we use temporary implants called “sizers” to determine the final size best suited to the patient. The “calibrators” are removed immediately and the definitive implants are placed in the pockets. Once we’ve achieved a harmonious, symmetrical result, we close the incision with absorbable stitches, leaving only a fine scar. After the procedure, we place a small watertight dressing over the incisions to allow the patient to shower.

After recovering from anesthesia, our patients are monitored in the recovery room by a nurse.

When they feel comfortable, a friend or family member can take them home. Each patient receives antibiotics and anti-nausea medication at the time of surgery, followed by pain medication for a few days.



The choice of incision for breast implant insertion will depend on the type of cosmetic surgery performed by Dr. Guberman.


You decide whether breast implants should be placed “above” or “below” your breast muscles.


It’s a question of determining the type of implants you want, whether silicone or saline.


It is essential that Dr. Guberman accompany you through the process of choosing the right size for your breast implants.

Regain a more harmonious appearance

About the breast lift procedure

Loss of skin elasticity, gravity and other factors such as weight loss, pregnancy and breastfeeding can alter the shape and firmness of the breasts. If patients are satisfied with the size of their breasts, they can remedy these changes by opting for a breast lift, or mastopexy.

The result is a firmer, more youthful appearance. However, some patients may be dissatisfied with the loss of volume or reduced projection that often occurs at the same time as sagging. In these cases, the addition of breast implants in combination with a lift can help increase volume and improve the silhouette.

Si vous présentez un ou plusieurs des problèmes suivants, vous êtes une candidate idéale pour un redrapage mammaire ou une mastopexie :

If you have one or more of the following concerns, you are an ideal candidate for a breast lift or mastopexy:

  • Sagging breasts

  • Loss of firmness in the bust area or impression of flattened breasts

  • Low-set or drooping nipples

  • The size, shape and position of the nipples can be corrected.

As a general rule, a breast lift (mastopexy) is recommended only when the breasts are fully developed, although there may be exceptions. Some women choose a breast lift after undergoing changes related to pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause, while others opt for this procedure at a younger age. Since breast lift does not affect the milk ducts or nipples, it generally does not affect the ability to breastfeed. Dr.Guberman will discuss with you which lift method is best suited to your case, and inform you if the addition of implants is recommended.

Sensation Of Lightness

Breast reduction

Women who opt for a breast reduction generally seek relief from the physical symptoms caused by excessively large breasts. Having smaller, more shapely breasts can help balance body proportions and make it easier to find suitable clothing. Patients who have undergone breast reductions are generally very satisfied with the results, as the procedure offers a solution to both aesthetic and functional problems, such as the discomfort caused by overly large breasts.

For whom is breast reduction intended?

Breast reduction surgery is designed for women whose breasts are disproportionate to their morphology, asymmetrical, too heavy and causing neck, shoulder or back pain. It can also be considered by women who suffer from breast ptosis (sagging breasts), nipples that are too low or point downwards, or who experience discomfort or irritation under the breasts.

These symptoms can affect women’s quality of life and self-esteem, so they seek to improve the size and appearance of their breasts.

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How does a breast reduction procedure work?

A personal decision

Breast implant removal

The decision to remove breast implants is an important step in the life of a woman who has undergone breast augmentation. It’s a very personal decision that must be made after careful consideration, a consultation with Dr.Guberman and a full understanding of the risks and benefits of the procedure.

The process

The process of breast implant removal surgery is similar to that of breast augmentation, but in this case Dr. Guberman removes the implants rather than inserting them. Results may vary depending on the amount of natural breast tissue present and the condition of the skin and muscles after implant removal.

It’s also important to note that breast implant removal may require additional surgery to correct any skin or muscle laxity that may occur after the surgery removal of the implants. Women should therefore be aware of these considerations and discuss all options with Dr. Guberman before making their decision.

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The intervention

The procedure involves making an incision in the submammary region, where the prosthesis is likely to be inserted. This incision is used to gently remove the implant and its capsule (scar envelope). If redraping surgery is involved, the incision is made in a lollipop shape around the nipple.

The “en bloc” removal method involves complete removal of the prosthesis, together with the capsules and surrounding scar tissue, to avoid any possible contamination of the rest of the body in the event of a suspected problem.

Dr. Guberman recommends and favors total capsulectomy when technically feasible. In the event of unusual symptoms, the implants and their capsules are sent for analysis. Photographs are taken at various stages of the surgery to document the procedure.

Regain your self-esteem

Breast reconstruction

Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure designed to restore the appearance and shape of a breast that has been removed as a result of cancer or other disease. Breast reconstruction can be performed immediately after a mastectomy or at a later time, depending on the patient’s preference.

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Who is breast reconstruction suitable for?

Breast reconstruction is a crucial surgical procedure for women who have undergone a mastectomy.

Beyond physical restoration, this intervention can have profound psychological impacts. By enabling patients to regain the shape and appearance of their breasts, breast reconstruction contributes to restoring their confidence and self-esteem.

The loss of a breast can be a traumatic and emotionally challenging experience for a woman, questioning her identity and femininity. Breast reconstruction provides a path to emotional healing by allowing patients to reclaim their bodies and regain a positive body image.

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Pricing for cosmetic breast surgery

Pricing starts at 10500$ + taxes but may increase according to your specific needs.

It's time to feel good in your body

Regain your comfort, confidence, and reconnect with yourself.

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