Have you ever felt self-conscious about the appearance of your arms?

A brachioplasty can help you remove excess skin for firmer, toned arms, so you can feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin.

Brachioplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure for anyone with excess skin in the arm area.

Ideal candidates for this procedure are those who have undergone significant weight loss, have loose, sagging skin under the arms, or have arms that lack definition and firmness.

The aim of a brachioplasty is to reshape the arms for a more harmonious, firmer appearance. The procedure removes excess skin from the arms, tightening and reshaping the area. A brachioplasty can help patients feel more comfortable in their bodies, allowing them to wear fitted clothing and enjoy their favorite activities without feeling self-conscious about the appearance of their arms. However, as with any surgical procedure, it’s important to discuss with Dr.Guberman whether this procedure is right for your needs and aesthetic goals.

The Multiple Approaches

There are several methods for performing an arm lift, tailored to the needs and preferences of each patient. The main approaches include:

  • Classic Arm Lift: This method involves an incision along the arm, allowing the removal of excess skin to achieve a firmer appearance. This method is ideal for patients with a large amount of loose and sagging skin under the arms.
  • Partial Arm Lift: This method involves a smaller incision, often located in the armpit, which allows for the removal of a lesser amount of skin. This method is ideal for patients with a moderate amount of excess skin.
  • Lipo-Brachioplasty: This method combines the classic arm lift with liposuction to remove both excess skin and fat for firmer arms. This method is ideal for patients who have excess fat in the arm area.
  • Inverted-T Arm Lift: This method involves an inverted-T shaped incision, allowing the removal of a large amount of skin for firmer arms. This method is ideal for patients with excess skin, often associated with significant weight loss.

Dr. Guberman may suggest a personalized combination of techniques for each patient, depending on their needs and aesthetic goals, to achieve the best possible result.


Recovery from cosmetic brachioplasty surgery varies with each patient and the type of procedure performed. In general, patients should expect a recovery period of several weeks, during which they should avoid strenuous physical activity and follow Dr.Guberman’s post-operative instructions.

During this period, patients may experience pain, swelling and bruising, which can be alleviated by medication prescribed by Dr.Guberman. Patients should also wear compression garments to help reduce swelling and facilitate healing. With proper care and sufficient rest, most patients can expect to recover fully and enjoy a firmer, more toned appearance to their arms.

You deserve to love the look of your arms at all times.

Regain your comfort, your confidence and reconnect with yourself.

Schedule A Consultation

How much does it cost?

Pricing for cosmetic brachioplasty starts at 16000$ + taxes and may increase according to your specific needs.